One of our more interesting parts of camp life is the BLUE BOX. The box came to Mr. Nick from the 5th dimension and he is his best friend- a relationship that not many of us understand to be fair. IT is not that he is a box- friendship can be found anywhere. It is more that, well, the box tends to wander. While all of us have responsibilities, the box does not work here- he just kinda hangs out. He loves the fun and excitement that camp has to offer- he just can't stay away. We would prefer that the box stay and help but he is just has to roam.
Now his adventures are not purely selfish, he almost always brings something back from his journey- like plastic snakes or water guns or really, really good snack (all things he brought us last year). And he always shares with whoever happens to encounter him on his adventure or rescue him after he has run away, depending on how you look at it. So now as we once again set out to bring the box back from his misadventures, we can't wait to see what he brings this year. In fact some of us are so excited that they are trying to go with him-
Yes, the BLUE BOX, just another one of our happy mysteries here at Camp YUMKA . . .